Air Noise Campaign Update

Sun, May 16, 2021 • Westchester Airport

Dear PEPA Member,

We are writing with an update about the PEPA Air Noise Campaign and to show how member’s efforts have made a difference to demonstrate that our community is significantly affected by airport traffic. Because of our participation, PEPA can document that Purchase registers the most noise disturbances* in Westchester County, at this most critical time.
During his tenure, County Executive George Latimer has held a series of public hearings on the airport, as well as an Open House with the Federal Aviation Administration where Airport noise and air traffic procedures were discussed. Based upon an FAA recommendation, the County tasked the Airport Advisory Board with seeking out alternatives and finding the best path forward for all communities. 
According to the County website, the Board is intended to be an independent recommending body on all aspects of the Airport. The Westchester County Airport Advisory Board (AAB) is led by Chairman Nicholas Hartman with the goal of providing “ a consistent and open mechanism for residents and other airport stakeholders to provide valuable community input on all matters related to the airport.”
While flight paths and noise concerns were already a common topic discussed by the AAB, at the request of the County Executive a Working Group was formed to evaluate data and reach a consensus on plans to reduce aircraft noise affecting communities north and south of the airport that can be presented to the FAA. The FAA has exclusive authority to govern the operation of aircraft. PEPA is participating in the Working Group and will provide updates accordingly.
For more information about the Airport, mark your calendar to attend virtual Airport Advisory Board Meetings. They are held monthly and the 2021 Meeting Schedule and Documents are posted on the county’s website.

Please reach out with your questions and comments.


Anne Gold, Executive Director
Noise Complaint Breakdown by Municipality March 2021 (Westchester County Airport)

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